举办时间:2017年10月26日 15:00~17:00
[校招] 金融科技- 美国顶尖交易公司 - Junior C++ Developer
Akuna Capital is a trading firm with a strong focus on cutting-edge technology, data driven decisions and automation. Our core competency is providing liquidity as an options market-maker – meaning we provide competitive quotes that we are willing to both buy and sell. To do this successfully we design and implement our own low latency technologies, trading strategies and mathematical models. We founded in 2011 in Chicago.
公司总部位于美国芝加哥,成立于2011年,在上海,波士顿设有分部,总共有150人,其中上海有30多人。我们是美国最大的期权产品做市商之一。(可知乎做市商,高频交易系统,了解这个行业),交易主要集中在芝加哥商品交易所,芝加哥期权交易所,ISE, 纽约证券交易所,和纳斯达克市场, 涉及的产品包含股票指数期权,利率期权及期货 (国债) ,外汇期权以及商品(谷物,牲畜,石油,和黄金)期货期权。我们使用自己的资金进行交易,没有客户。我们有经验丰富的优秀交易员和创新开拓的IT精英。目前在芝加哥商品交易所属于TOP前三的成绩。Akuna上海目前正在组建团队,打造最前沿的期权期货交易系统。在这里,你可以更加接近市场,建立自动化的交易系统。这里是技术和市场结合最前沿的地方。(我们是属于做市商,主要做期权产品,期货)
What you’ll do
You can use cutting-edge technology while working on high performance/low latency systems. Whether you are interested in trading infrastructure, algorithms, exchange gateways, performance engineering, hardware, data capture and analysis.
Key requirements:
Strong programming skills, analytic and problem-solving skills, English communication
Interview Process:
Online Test –Technical Phone interview- Onsite Interview
We will offer:
The high-tech brightest people to work with
Work with cutting edge technologies with a hands-on approach in global trading environment
Competitive salary package
Continuous training programs
20 days’ annual vacation leave
Lunch allowance
Company trip
Premium medical insurance
Healthy check
Good work and life balance
Please visit Website: www.akunacapital.com
Or send your English resume to email: Shanghaicareers@akunacapital.com
访问数量: 9147
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